Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Chores is it ever to early?

My sister posted a picture of my six year old nephew doing the dishes. Now while I personally would not leave it up to a six year old to wash my dishes and get them actually clean, especially if it's their first time. I say go ahead and let them. Let your three year old help out. They might not do a job worthy of a 5 star hotel maid but I grantee you they will get better and they will enjoy helping mommy or daddy. It can  begin the structure needed in the home as well when chores are started. Children are put on a 'you have to do this before you can do this scheduale' and everyone contributes to the home. For those starting off with houses that are clean and small children you seem to have it easy a quick rub down and a small chore for the little one.
But what about those introducing chores at a later time. When the house isn't so clean and a spring cleaning is basically needed and they have a few kids an they aren't little any more. I would recommend a weekend of cleaning. The kids won't like it but it needs to be explained the ease that will come later. The quick wipe downs instead of the intense scrubbing that never really gets finished. So with your day of cleaning it should be a scheduled and well divided day make sure your well involved to and check on them. That is a key factor don't hover just check to make sure they are not playing in the mirror or with that bright new thing they found. lol. An cell phone should be all put in a bowl only taken out after the chores are done. That was less distraction and more work done. It might sound mean but this is a part of growing up an living in a house hold. Contribution. Everyone should be doing it.
In the end you want to get to a place where it doesn't take all day to clean the house. clean the dishes that night after dinner, keep up with laundry, make them wipe the counter down when their done putting on their make up.....its little things that make cleaning and the day less stressful. An that's one of the key points of a clean house: less stress.

Thursday, May 16, 2013!

Time to pick up those cameras. With graduation around the corner we all want to capture the step from kindergarten to 1st grade...or even high school to matter what it is there is a special moment that is going to happen and so here we are. Polished cameras, dusted off lenses and fully charged batteries. But wait a minute who's saying these are the only days you should be dusting off those lenses and charging those batteries. Every moment is precious: lost teeth, first vegetable, and even just those days filled with laughter. There shouldn't be a super special moment that is dictated by commercialism. We should want to see the steps and the trips that show the growth of the child or children in your life.
Taking the time to every month take a picture with a favorite outfit, toy, food, or something else they really love. Then put it together in a collage for the year an frame it. It shows the growth and the changes they've made. My nephew answered his mom's phone yesterday. He was so clear an you actually got full sentences out of him. He's graduating from kindergarten in a week. The thing is that he use to hate the phone and all you'd get out of him was little conversation. But in just a couple of weeks of not seeing him he was excited to hear my voice and was....just growing up. Some take longer and then something clicks. The little boy or girl who didn't want to talk and communicate very well...they just do one day. Kids are a wonder and we should want to show their growth. So pic up your camera on a Monday or a doesn't have to be for anything other then you want to share the beautiful child you have and their little grin. So capture this! ;)