Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Role Models Make for Good Brain

So just because you watch or have kids does that mean you can only watch G rated movies and listen to  Disney Radio? No. There off course levels of appropriateness that apply. I don't think you would want your 8 year old watching or reading Twilight. However a child that is in high school is probably ready. I picked Twilight because if you have watched the movies or read the books you are aware that there is a lot of adult content including sex involved. There are plenty of music such as Nicki Minaj that is in appropriate. When we exposed children to explicit material at to early of an age they are to young not to incorporate some of it into their life. My nephew who is 5 exhibits signs of sexuality. He doesn't seem to know what he is doing just that its ok to do it. We are more then sure when he was younger his father would watch porn when he would watch him when he was three. There are little sparks that go off in the brain like light bulbs. Connections that are realized and they are memories. There are the other ones and those bring about underline issues. For example a child that is abused. There are to thinks that can happen. They can live forgetting their childhood when they were abused and have underline issues with say males if it was their father that abused them. Or they could remember there childhood when they were abused and have memories. They would have realized issues with males.

A child's brain is not developed until their at least in college. This means that every thing they see, hear, experience and put into their body effects them so much. It is our responsibility to protect, guide and be a positive example for every child out there. You can have me time and do your thing but your child needs to have a good role model. Remember you have children in your life and its a joy. It's up to you to make their future and yes even your future a little easy by helping them along. Be a role model that they will want to be like when they are your age.

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