Thursday, March 21, 2013

I Spy With My Little Eye....crocodile tears

Well it looks like going to the library and getting the I Spy book was a great idea. Some things we are not familiar with we will say, especially the 6 yr old but we also developed another idea to make the game more enjoyable an search bar. So whenever we need to figure out what something is or just for fun you search for the image of the word. We had fun for almost the whole book an then it was 'Ok I think I've had enough' lol. This all happen after a massive aray of crocodile tears that lead to the giveup and needing quality time. Translation: Tantrum with full blown fake tears leads to regrete and the needing of attention. Which is healthy. Kids need to know that they are not boss. Let them cry their crocodile tears. When you don't give in they will realize there is no ground to stand on and they will not feel in control like when they are hovered over when they let out one little sound. There is always a struggle for domanance, for control with our kids. It is our resposiblity to stand our ground and know how to set limits as not to push them away but not to raise them above us.

I remember a time that my mom would have to hold my nephew in a hug untill he calmed down....then it was you want me to hold you? He is a cuddler now but when he's mad he hates to be confined. A bucking bronco that boy is....wanting to be wild and free with no restraints. As a society we need those restraints...those fences....I won't go into society and the government. LOL. Lets just put it as I believe we have rights and one of those rights is to raise our children to our best ablility. An to sometimes deal with the crocodile tears.

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