Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mooove those Muscles......lol

So you looked in the mirror....yikes! Who put those extra pounds on my body? Evidently some exercising is in order. But what do you do when you have little ones. Well, teach them. This is a perfect time to teach your children about balance and being healthy. Bring out the cook books get your children involved in cooking, even if its just prep. Kids like to be involved. Involving them with their health is something that's a good thing. The younger the better in fact. Exercising is another part, even babies need exercise. Get them out of the stroller and do some arm and leg moves with them. Just get them moving. There are plenty of videos out there as well that can help a parent exercise with their child if you need to follow someone. There are classes that can be taken, or even just going out to the park and actually playing ball. Don't just watch your child, get involved. I think that's the thing. There isn't enough participation on the adults side, we are to old to do those kinds of things. When in reality we are out of shape! It's time to get back in shape and get our kids on the right path as well. That was when they hit our age they aren't in the same attitude of old age. So take a step to say no to those extra pounds an just say no to feeling old! Get up an get moving again!

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