Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Age Limits

Oh my gosh I just shot my 10 year old niece with a pellet gun....she keeps looking at her leg. She's giving me a guilt trip. I do feel bad though. There is a what's the lesson: there are age limits on things for a reason. Unfortunately it should have been marked for over the ages of 30.

Age limits are something that most kids and even some adults have to understand. Whether it be a cool new game or movie that just came out that everyone is talking about. There is a reason behind these warnings and ratings. Do I think some should be rated higher....oh heck yes. My oldest nice, meaning a 13 year old, went and watched a PG-13 called The Possession. I watched the trailers for this movie and was in shock that they would think a child with or without a parents presents would be ok. What is the parent gonna do? They hold on to the kid and very few walk out. They don't want to waste their hard earned money by walking out; get what you pay for. This movie in particular is about.....(thanks to good old Google):
                   Clyde and Stephanie Brenek see little cause for alarm when their youngest daughter Em becomes oddly obsessed with an antique wooden box she purchased at a yard sale. But as Em's behavior becomes increasingly erratic, the couple fears the presence of a malevolent force in their midst , only to discover that the box was built to contain a dibbuk, a dislocated spirit that inhabits and ultimately devours its human host.
I would say that is to much for a child to handle. Yet they are making more of these movies geared towards teens and children. An if it's not horror (as I shake my head) its adult content. For instance look at Madagascar especially No. 2. There was adult content through out the whole movie. We as adults laugh since the kids don't get it but its put into their brains. Connections are made sooner then later and this is one of the ways that children are forced to grow up so fast in ways they should be more innocent.  It is really sad that kids are exposed to so much and it seems earlier and earlier they are. 
I watched a guy stand outside his car the other day with his car door open. His two children in the backseat crying, they looked younger then three. He was in the mean time standing there with his friend passing a blunt back and forth. Getting high before he drove, letting the smoke drift into the car.....and ignoring the kids cause smoking week was more important. 
My reason for telling you his is that those children see all this. They see how smoking is important, how friends are important, and how family is not important when it comes to the other things in life. We have to care for children and the rest of our family, show that they come first. That material and people who go in an out of our lives aren't as important as those who will always have your back. 

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