Monday, September 24, 2012

Little Catch Up- had computer probs

So I go to start a blog and wouldn't you know I start having trouble with my not cool. My time time has been lately setting up for crafts and cleaning. Also of course my aunt duties: taken kids to school, picking them up and even takn the younger one whose in kindergarden and staying with him. The youngest one it looks like he's gonna have to be homeschooled, not doing well leaving for school or for that matter staying at school. He actually told me today school was boring. Which is understandable. He's slow in social skills but fast in other areas. He has know his alphabet since he was like 3, and he can already count to a hundred. In class their learned 0-5 right now. So he's not being challenged, along with stuff like to much noises that affect his SID. Homeschololing seems to be the answer at least for right now.

As for me I feel like, well I know I have no personal life. So on to online dating again. I had actually met a great guy but he had to move. So stepping out of being an aunt I realize I am human and a woman. I need that interaction that I am so not getting spending time with kids all day long. Hopeing for the best on it.

I would like to use this blog to not only tell about my own life and what I deal with as a aunt of four and being a woman, but also to share tips and recipies that can help on the road through life for who ever takes care of kids. Some of the tips and recipies with be for the family including arts and crafts. I will also make sure to lable to inform it is only for adults so tips, activities and food that is for shall we say 'me time' lol. Every person who takes care of a child deserves some sort of a break, whether it be a bath and a glass of wine, or a night out. Remember there are friends, family, and even babysitters out there to utilize for those breaks.

Well I'm off for now have to get ready to pick my nieces up from school. So excited to see them, only get to see them every other week do to custoday between parents. But I'm thankfull as much as I can be cause I could not see them at all. Be happy with what you have cause you could end up with nothing at all. Well thanks so much and will talk to you later.

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